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Is Armpit Hair Unhygienic? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

By Laura
March 25, 2024
6 minutes
Is Armpit Hair Unhygienic

In the world of skincare, self-maintenance, and hygiene, keeping underarm hair or removing them is one of the most discussed topics. Hair is the natural part of a human’s body. While some individuals have accepted the fact and do not bother removing them, others consider hair removal a primary step in keeping oneself clean and tidy. 

So what do you think? Is having armpit hair unhygienic? Will you choose to keep them or shave them? Let’s end the debate and get you out of this dilemma. 

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Why Do We Have Armpit Hair?

Our body goes through various changes from birth to childhood and till adulthood. Babies or newborns have lanugo hair which is thin, unpigmented, and soft hair. As the body grows, this hair transforms into the vellus hair. They are the short fine hair commonly seen on our faces, trunks, legs, and arms. 

On reaching adulthood these changes to terminal hair that is thick, highly pigmented, and strong hair similar to those of your armpits. What do these hairs do? And why are they important to us? Let’s understand:

Sign of Puberty 

Sign of Puberty While the lanugo hair in infants and vellus hair in childhood are not associated with hormones, the terminal hair has an association. As we hit puberty, hormonal changes occur leading to the transformation of vellus hair into terminal hair. The growth of these terminal hairs is determined by the androgens. 

They are the growth hormones that are responsible for reproduction, normal development, and maturation of the body. These hormones also determine male characteristics. So, the presence of armpit hair or thick, dark hair on other areas of the body is one of the signs that you have reached puberty.

Body Temperature Regulation

Body Temperature RegulationArmpit hair holds a greater significance in terms of its ability to regulate body temperature. In low temperatures, these hairs act as an insulating layer thus trapping heat in the body. On the other hand, in hot environments, they lead to the release of sweat from our bodies. It is the cooling mechanism of the body to fight against heat.

The sweat produced absorbs excess heat from the armpits and evaporates. That is how you feel a cooling sensation. 

Reduces Friction

Armpit hair also reduces friction caused by excessive skin-to-skin contact especially when we are running or walking. It helps prevent the abrasions caused by friction between our arms and trunk. Moreover, it also minimizes the chances heat rash is frequently caused by excessive sweating on the abraded skin surface. 

As a result, one can comfortably do even the hard exercises, run, and do everything they want without worrying about abrasions, irritation, and rashes. This is how even a small and apparently insignificant part of our body can play a vital role in maintaining our health, normal growth, and metabolism. 

Part 2: Why Do Armpits Smell? Is Having Armpit Hair Uhygienic?

  • Why Do Armpits Smell? Having armpit hair seems like a blessing however unpleasant odor from the armpits can be loathsome. Why do armpits smell? It is because of the sweat produced by the armpits that is trapped by the armpit hair. Sweat glands are present in high numbers in our armpits. This is why our armpits sweat the most whenever we are doing extreme physical exercise or are in a hot environment. Instead of evaporation from the armpits, armpit hair traps this sweat. As a result, the area remains moistened for a long time giving bacteria an optimal environment to grow in. The salt, water, and fats present in the sweat interact with these bacteria causing an awful odor from the armpits.

    So, Is Not Shaving Your Armpits Unhygienic? 

    No, it is not. Having armpit hair itself is not unhygienic but not cleaning the armpits is certainly unhygienic. The presence of hair or hair removal does not have a significant effect on sweating. The production of sweat will be the same even if you remove the hair. 

    So, even if you have shaved the armpits they will still stink without proper hygienic measures. Take a shower, especially after extreme physical exercise, clean your armpits thoroughly in the shower, and apply a deodorant afterward. However, wear breathable fabrics as they can improve the outflow of air and prevent the build-up of sweat in a certain area. All these tips will be helpful for you to maintain cleanliness and prevent odors from armpits even if you do not shave them. 

    Part 3: Should I Shave My Armpit Hair?

    In some areas of the world, armpit hair is not shaved because they are considered important. For instance, in France, women prefer to keep their hair as a sign of femininity while in India, most people consider it as a beauty mark. Additionally, some Chinese think of armpit hair as a sign of reaching maturity while others choose to shave their hair.  

    Therefore, shaving armpit hair or not entirely depends on how you want to represent your culture or how you are comfortable. If you are uncomfortable and feel itchy, it is alright to get rid of them. Otherwise, keeping them is fine too as long as you are maintaining your hygiene. 

    Benefits of Shaving Armpit Hair

    Armpit HairDo not have preferences about shaving underarm hair or not? Let us discuss the benefits and drawbacks of removing the hair and then you can make a choice. 

    • Shaving armpit hair can improve air circulation thus helping the sweat evaporate quickly from your body
    • This prevents the build-up of sweat in your underarms which reduces bacterial growth and the odor caused by these bacteria
    • You can wear even your sleeveless dresses comfortably. Most people consider armpit hair gross so you will not have to stop yourself from dancing just to hide the underarms
    • As you shave the underarms, instant evaporation of sweat can help you prevent sweat stains on your precious clothes 
    • The hair is thick and rough which can cause irritation and itching throughout the day

    Possible Drawbacks of Shaving Armpit Hair 

    • Firstly, the primary function of these hairs is to reduce friction. Once the hair is gone, you are likely to experience more friction and skin abrasions in the underarms
    • Reaching underarms is a bit troublesome. So while trying to move a blade across the corners of your skin, you are at higher risk of nicking your sensitive skin. 
    • Underarms can the one of the most uncomfortable body areas to experience cuts and cuts in 
    • A few individuals have slightly darker underarms and removing the hair on this area can reveal the dark area. This can be a bit embarrassing

    Do Not Want to Shave Armpit Hair? Try IPL Instead!

    ulikeWant to remove the armpit hair but shaving does not sound like a good option? You can try some other options like IPL hair removal. This advanced light-based hair removal technology not only provides a pain-free solution to unwanted hair but also retards hair growth for a long-time. A broad wavelength light flashes out from the IPL device and enters your skin. On reaching the hair roots, it transforms into heat energy and burns the hair follicles. 

    How can you do it at home? Use the Ulike Sapphire Air 3 IPL hair removal device. This FDA-cleared device is perfect to use at home. Let’s see some of the benefits that the device can provide:

    • The lightweight handset can be used on all body parts including armpits, bikini lines, and upper lip. Its small energy outlet is compact enough to easily reach smaller areas of the body
    • With our our-fold sapphire ice-cooling technology, the hair removal session will be almost nearly painless and comfortable for the users
    • It produces a flash every 0.7 seconds thus allowing a quick 12-minute full-body hair removal session. Moreover, the release of flashes in such short time intervals ensures no area is left out
    • The IPL treatment with Ulike is highly effective as you can start noticing results within 2 weeks of regular use 

    However, before buying Ulike or any other device, ensure that it is compatible with your skin tone. This is because IPL devices target melanin and having darker skin means more melanin. More melanin absorbs a higher amount of heat so those with darker skin tones can be at risk of burns. 

    Also read: 3 Best Ways to Remove Armpit Hair 


    Armpit hair is a natural part of one’s body and it ought to grow once your body matures. A few cultures consider these as a sign of beauty, strength, or uniqueness while others think of having them as unhygienic. It is because this hair can trap sweat and allow bacteria to grow in the armpits causing an unpleasant smell.

    Both of these concepts are not wrong. Everything comes down to one’s personal preferences. No matter what you choose, all you need to do is to maintain your hygiene to look presentable.

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