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Is Ulike Results Permanent? Are IPL Hair Removal Results Permanent?

By Viktoria
Updated: September 10, 2024
Is Ulike Results Permanent

Intense pulsed light is used to kill the undesired hair follicles in almost every area of the body including the face, limbs, intimate region, and more. While purchasing an IPL hair removal device, one of the things that people are curious about is the timeline of its results and what to expect from IPL treatment. 

Spending hundreds of dollars on a device makes people expect that its results last forever. However, are the results of IPL hair removal permanent? What actually is permanent hair removal and is it possible?

Well, in this article, let us explore how long the results of IPL hair removal can last and why it is worth every penny you spend on it. We will also use the Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device as a reference.

So, let us find out “Is Ulike Results permanent?”

Table of Contents:

How Does IPL Hair Removal Remove Unwanted Hair?

Ulike Air 10 in use on skin, targeting hair follicles and illustrating potential Ulike Air 10 side effectsIPL hair removal devices remove unwanted hair by stopping the hair follicles from producing new hair strands. They do so by either killing the hair follicle or putting it in a state of dormancy. 

An IPL hair removal device radiates light in the range of 500 to 1200 nm. This wavelength targets the pigment present in the hair strands. From the hair strands, the IPL light travels to the hair follicles and roots, where it changes into heat energy.

This heat energy affects the hair follicles, makes them dormant, or kills them. Also, note that hair needs to be actively growing for IPL to work on it. 

The Timeline of Visible Results with IPL Hair Removal

The results and timeline mainly depend upon the device you are using. For example, some IPL hair removal devices are used every one or two weeks, which means that you need a longer time to achieve the desired results. Such devices, like lasers, take 6 to 12 months to make you hairless.

Regarding Ulike Air 10, it is one of the quickest devices to show results. It is recommended to do a hair removal session with Ulike Air 10 on alternate days with a total of 3 sessions every week for the first 4 weeks. 

During the first 2 to 4 weeks, you will notice around, 

  • 73% hair reduction 
  • 83% hair length reduction 
  • 96% hair density reduction

The results mentioned above are backed up by a 2-week clinical trial. As the results are not 100%, it is suggested that you do a few more maintenance treatments with the frequency of 1 hair removal session for 2 or 4 weeks for the 12 weeks.

After 12 weeks, you will see the expected results. Within 3 months, your hair will grow back so sparse and fine that it is barely visible. 

What is Meant by “Permanent Results“?

What is Meant by “Permanent Results”The meaning of the permanent results varies greatly. If we talk about the literal meaning of permanent, you assume that you will see no hair growing back ever again once you are done with your IPL hair removal treatment, right? 

However, that is not what permanent hair removal is according to the FDA regulations. “Permanent results” refers to the gradual and consistent reduction of unwanted hair over an extended duration.

The second definition we mentioned is the standard we adhere to regarding the results of IPL and laser hair removal devices. This is the reason why most hair removal devices claim that they offer permanent results. 

Also, note that if we go by the first definition of the permanent results of hair removal, not a single laser hair removal device and clinic fulfills it. Whether you do at-home IPL hair removal or in-office laser hair removal, you will only experience hairlessness over an extended period of time until you continue your follow-up sessions. 

Are IPL Hair Removal Results Permanent?

Considering the FDA regulations regarding the results of IPL hair removal devices, it is safe to say that the results become permanent over time. All you have to do is have follow-up sessions every 1 or 2 months to maintain the sparse and fine hair growth.

You can even stop using the device. However, it is important to remember that the hair follicles can become active or regenerate and even new hair follicles can grow when you stop doing follow-ups.

In such cases, you will experience your facial and body hair growth going back to normal. It means that you won’t experience permanent results if you skip your follow-up sessions.

Thus, the duration of the results and the effects of the IPL hair removal device totally depend upon how you use the device. 

Is Ulike Sapphire IPL Hair Removal Results Permanent? If yes, How?

Is Ulike Sapphire IPL Hair Removal Results PermanentOnce you are done with your initial treatment sessions, the Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device offers hairlessness for an extended period of time. As the hair that grows back over time is barely visible, you can say that the results of the Ulike Sapphire IPL hair removal device are permanent. 

Note that once you stop your treatment, your hair might return after 6 to 12 weeks requiring follow-up sessions. Furthermore, the results of any IPL hair removal device including Ulike vary from person to person.

Therefore, some people need more frequent follow-ups as compared to others. 

Which Hair Removal Method is Permanent in True Sense?

Instead of calling the results of IPL and laser hair removal permanent in the true sense, we can call them semi-permanent because they offer extended hair growth reduction but not entire hair removal. According to the FDA, the only hair removal that offers entire hair removal with permanent results is electrolysis.

In electrolysis, a thin hair-like wire is passed into the skin pores to reach the hair follicle. Once it is in the hair follicle, a minor electric current is applied to destroy that follicle. 

Applying current might sound scary, but it does not harm you and only kills the hair follicles completely. Resultantly, you get permanent hair removal in the true sense. 

Furthermore, every hair removal method comes with its own set of pros and cons. The major pro of electrolysis is the duration of its results. However, its side effects might overcome its pros.

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Why is Electrolysis not the Treatment of Choice for Permanent Hair Removal?

Although electrolysis provides permanent results in a true sense, according to the FDA, it is not a popular hair removal treatment among people looking for hairless and silky smooth skin. Below are the reasons why is it so, 

  •  Electrolysis is a multi-step procedure just like IPL hair removal. However, it is much more time-consuming and a single session requires 1 or more hours.
  • It is most often used on small areas of the body, like the upper lips or chin, and might not be practical for a large area like the legs.
  • Treatment with electrolysis is painful as each hair follicle is treated individually and every time the needle is inserted into your skin, you feel a stinging or stabbing pain.
  • Being an in-office treatment that requires a high level of expertise and expensive tools, electrolysis is an expensive hair removal treatment. 
  • At times, it might cause trauma on the skin leading to inflammation and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. 

What Makes IPL Hair Removal Devices like Ulike a Better Option for Hairlessness?

Ulike Air 10Even though the results of an IPL hair removal device are only semi-permanent, it is still one of the top hair removal options out there. The reasons why Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device can prove to be the ultimate hair removal method for you are given below,

  • Treatment with Ulike is comfortable. You might feel little snapping sensations on the skin. But the ice-cooling technology of Ulike ensures that your skin does not hurt as you do your hair removal sessions.
  • The convenience and maintenance of privacy associated with at-home removal that Ulike offers makes it a go-to option for introverts and busy people. 
  • Regarding cost, Ulike is around 10 times less expensive than other semi-permanent and permanent hair removal methods. 
  • As you need follow-up sessions with Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device to achieve nearly permanent results, the durability of Ulike along with its 300,000 flashes ensures that the device lasts for decades to come. 


The duration of the results of an IPL device is permanent considering that nearly permanent hair removal is just the extended reduction in the number, length, and density of the unwanted body and facial hair.

The Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device offers all of that within a duration of 2 to 4 weeks, fulfilling your expectations for IPL hair removal. However, if you want permanent results without follow-up sessions, electrolysis is the only choice. 

Even in that case, you must consider the cost, convenience, skin sensitivity, and pain. Thus, Ulike Air 10 provides the most comfortable, cost-effective, and convenient hair removal.

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