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Why Do You Need to Use an IPL Device After Laser Hair Removal?

Updated: June 27, 2024
Why Do You Need to Use an IPL Device After Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is one of the most sought-after hair removal treatments for women and men alike. It is one of the most popular treatments because of the longevity of its results.

Although its results can last for years, it is important to remember that they are not permanent. This is why you must get follow-up sessions of laser hair removal even after you are done with the treatment.

So, are you interested in how IPL and laser hair removal can work together, assist each other, or compare in terms of effectiveness? If yes, this article is for you. 

Let’s explore how IPL hair removal can help you after laser treatment. 

Table of Contents:

1. What is IPL Hair Removal?

IPL hair removal is the technology that uses a non-coherent, broad-spectrum, white light to target the pigment in hair.  IPL hair removal is most compatible and effective for black to dark blonde hair and for fair to medium brown skin.

When there is a high contrast between hair and skin color, the broad-spectrum light of IPL is absorbed only by the hair. After absorption, this light travels to the roots of the hair and is converted into heat. 

This heat kills the hair follicles within a few sessions. Thus, IPL is an effective at-home hair removal treatment, as concluded by the following study. [1]

Pros of IPL Hair Removal

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Let’s talk about some benefits of IPL hair removal.

  • A standard IPL device costs around $400 to $600, which is similar to the cost of a single session of laser hair removal for a large area.
  • You can perform IPL hair removal treatment from head to toe.
  • Some high-quality IPL devices like the Ulike Sapphire Air 10 IPL Hair Removal Device come with advanced ice-cooling technology to make the hair removal experience more comfortable. 
  • IPL hair removal has a lower downtime, and aftercare is relatively easier compared to laser hair removal.
  • IPL gives you the liberty to do your hair removal at home, or anywhere you like.

Cons of IPL Hair Removal

In the same study, some of the side effects of IPL hair removal are mentioned, and these are

  • Discomfort during the treatment (luckily, this discomfort has been greatly reduced by the ice-cooling technology of Ulike Air 10.)
  • Potential for swelling and redness of the skin. 
  • Possibility of changes in skin texture and damage to the outer layer of skin 
  • Hypo/hyperpigmentation 
  • Small chance of scarring and skin sensitivity. 

Note that the risk of these side effects can be controlled by using the IPL hair removal devices as instructed by the brand of your device. Furthermore, there are some other drawbacks of IPL hair removal.

  • IPL is not compatible with dark skin or light hair. 
  • 2 to 3 sessions per week are required for IPL to work.
  • Some low-cost devices may misrepresent their effectiveness.</span>

2. What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the elder sister of IPL hair removal. IPL is inspired by laser hair removal and offers benefits that laser hair removal lacks, even if laser hair removal is more potent.

Laser hair removal utilizes a single-wavelength spectrum of coherent light. This is focused on a beam. The beam absorbs into the hair pigment and targets the unwanted follicles. 

The highly concentrated beam of laser light reduces the growth of unwanted hair significantly, as discussed by Jabeen Begum. [2]

Pros of Laser Hair Removal

The benefits of laser hair removal are as follows:

  • The results of laser hair removal last for a long time, up to 10 years for some people.
  • It leaves the skin intact, and can also be used on dark skin tones. 
  • It works for blonde hair.
  • Because of the precision of the laser, you can more easily customize your hair removal treatment. 

Cons of Laser Hair Removal

Here are the cons of laser hair removal: 

  • The intensity of the laser is much higher compared to IPL, increasing the risk of negative side effects.
  • After laser hair removal, the skin becomes very sensitive. 
  • Laser hair removal is painful, and the pain might linger for several hours after the session.
  • Following a laser hair removal treatment,  it is important to be very diligent about aftercare, to ensure skin protection. 
  • Laser hair removal causes skin to be prone to infections, burns, and blisters in addition to redness, irritation, swelling, pigmentation, and scarring. 

3. Can You Get Laser Hair Removal Sessions After IPL Hair Removal?

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe During Summer

When using  IPL for hair removal, you have to wait for a month or two to get the desired results. Although the effects of IPL are visible in 2 to 3 weeks, some people cannot wait and want instant results. The alternative is laser hair removal. 

However, the question is whether you can get laser hair removal after your initial IPL hair removal sessions. You can, however, it is not safe to get a laser immediately after IPL, as the skin is sensitive and the laser can damage the skin barrier.

Doctors recommend waiting for at least 4 to 8 weeks after your last IPL hair removal session before starting your laser hair removal treatment. [3]

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4. Can You Use IPL Hair Removal Devices in Between Laser Hair Removal Sessions?

Just like IPL, the laser is not going to give you instant results. Each treatment session of laser is scheduled at intervals of 4 to 8 weeks depending upon the treatment area and around 12 sessions for completion of the treatment.

You are likely to grow patches of hair in between your laser hair removal sessions. This hair can be unattractive and makes people wonder if they can alternate their monthly laser hair removal sessions with weekly IPL hair removal treatments.

Sadly, you cannot, as IPL reduces the efficiency of laser hair removal [4]. This is because IPL causes thinner hair growth and the energy from the laser cannot be absorbed into thin hairs effectively. 

5. Can You Use IPL Hair Removal Devices After Completion of Laser Hair Removal?

Ulike Air 10 IPL Device

You can be hair-free for many months after laser hair removal. However, hair follicles are bound to regenerate, and hair will come back, as the laser is not a permanent treatment. Post-laser follow-up sessions can be a headache because of the pain, inconvenience, and cost.

If you want to use IPL hair removal devices for follow-ups after laser hair removal, go ahead! Often, the use of IPL devices after laser treatments makes people regret getting laser treatments in the first place, as stated by some Reddit users. [5]

6. Why Do You Need to Use an IPL Device After Laser Hair Removal Sessions?

Lastly, let’s discuss why women prefer IPL hair removal, and why it is useful even after your laser hair removal sessions. 

To Maintain the Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Although a semi-permanent treatment lasts many years, a laser cannot completely eliminate unwanted hair growth. Some new hair follicles will grow and some dead ones will regenerate, causing unwanted hair.

Therefore, IPL can help you kill such follicles, and maintain the effects of the laser treatment

To Remove the Hair From Other Areas of the Body 

Because laser hair removal is an expensive treatment, many people do not purchase a full-body treatment, leaving many parts untreated. IPL hair removal uses a single device that is suitable for all body parts; from head to toe.

Therefore, you can use IPL to treat unwanted hair on the untreated areas of your body. Whether face, limbs, or pubes, IPL hair removal has got you covered. 

To Save Money and Effort Spent on Laser Hair Removal Sessions 

The major reason why you need IPL hair removal after the laser is the convenience associated with it. Who wants to pay hundreds of dollars for a follow-up laser session?

This is not even mentioning the hassle of booking a laser hair removal session and traveling to the salon. IPL allows you to do your treatment at home, at no extra cost,  whenever you want. 


Laser hair removal helps you get rid of unwanted upper lip hair, armpit hair, hair on your arms and legs, and even intimate hair. However, it is expensive, painful, inconvenient, and only semi-permanent.

Therefore, IPL hair removal devices are a great way to get rid of the remaining hair follicles after laser hair removal treatment and achieve a forever silky smooth body. 


    1. Gold, Michael H., Amy Foster, and Julie A. Biron. “Low-Energy Intense Pulsed Light for Hair Removal at Home.” Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 3.2 (2010): 48-53. 
    2. Dunkin, Mary Anne. “Laser Hair Removal.” Medically reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD. WebMD, July 26, 2023. 
    3. Lolaraschke. “Is it necessary to wait between IPL and laser hair removal?” RealSelf, May 20, 2023.
    4. Atta-Motte, Magdalena, and Izabela Zaleska. “IPL Reduces Efficacy of Diode Laser in Hair Removal.” Medesthetics Magazine, June 11, 2021.
    5. Anonymous User. “At home IPL after Laser hair removal sessions are over?”, 3 months ago.
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