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Do Men Like Hairy Women? Why Is Female Body Hair Considered Unattractive?

By Mariela
Updated: September 9, 2024
7 minutes
Why Is Female Body Hair Considered Unattractive

Do guys like women with hair? This question must have crossed every woman’s mind at some time in her life. And no one has ever given a satisfactory answer to this. Have you ever thought about why society finds it difficult to tolerate naturally hairy women? For centuries, the standard of female beauty has been said to be smooth and hairless skin. But what could be the reason behind this? Why do we consider natural female body hair unappealing, and what causes men not to like female armpit hair? Do men mind if women have hairy legs? Let’s explore.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: How Female Body Hair Removal Became A Norm

The expectations for females to be hairless are not a novel thing; in reality, the concept can be dated back to ancient Egyptians and Greeks. These ancient cultures considered women without any body hair to represent cleanliness, virginity, or even high social class.

At the beginning of the 20th century, firms dealing with razors decided to take advantage of this shaving concept and turn their sales into new territories. In 1915, Gillette released its first female razor called the Milady Decollette. In the 1920s, sleeveless and shorter skirts gained popularity, thereby opening up the market for razors. This made advertisers portray women with unshaved legs, arms or underarms as ‘masculine and dirty’. The message was very clear: you have to shave if you want to be attractive and feminine and enjoy being fashionable.

Do Men Like Hairy Women

Over the years, this hairless fantasy has not changed but has only advanced in terms of modern solutions (lasers, IPL, electrolysis); women still consider it a beauty standard today. They are expected to be “neat” and “smooth” to be attractive. This hairless culture has become so common in our societies that it is believed that hair cannot grow on any part of a woman’s hands, feet, arms, legs, underarms or pubic areas. And our society, over time, has accepted this as a gender norm.

The media has played its role perfectly in building this concept. How often do we spot an actress or model whose armpits have not gone through some kind of hair removal procedure? Rarely, if ever! This forms a lifetime message that skin without hair means beautiful skin. In the kids’ fashion industry, children at the age of 13 are having full-body hair removal laser sessions. In turn, all these images showing females whose bodies lack any form of body hair complement the idea of hairlessness and attractiveness in society.

Part 2: Do Men Like Naturally Hairy Women?

Maybe you are wondering as a woman if there are men who love women with natural hair on their bodies? Well, surprisingly, such men exist! Some guys consider it the symbolism of confidence and being real. They like women who embrace themselves the way they are without being forced to conform to the rigid beauty standards set by today’s society. In fact, when it comes to opinions about female body hair, many people would say that men in general hate hairy women, even though this is generally not true. Let’s get some statistics from the following survey.

Quantitative Survey for females having body hair

Alexander Kunst published statistical data regarding research that was titled “Men’s Opinions on Female Body Hair Growth in the USA (2017)”. The statistics depict that 22% among the respondents expressed some negative attitudes about natural women’s body hair. And 16% viewed it as ‘positive’ for women having body hair. The following image shows the result of the survey.

Do Men Like Naturally Hairy Women

Qualitative Data: Men’s perspective on females natural body hair

We have collected the survey’s qualitative data as well, where the men of different age groups were asked if they like natural hair on female body or not.

Alex (23):”I respect women who want their underarm or leg hairs to grow out; however, with respect to sex, what I would most prefer would be absolutely no signs of body hair.”

Michael (45): “No, I do not like body hair on women at all. Even trans women shave. Men are supposed to have hair, not women. This is not new; women have been shaving for ages. They even do it in France, the country where people are most liberal.”

John (55) “Body hair on women is something I am not into. My partner’s skin should be smooth, close-shaved body hair is acceptable but they should not be uncomfortably long. Arms with some light hair are okay but that’s all I can go.”

Kyle (43): “I am okay with some little hairs between her legs but for women, I prefer them completely shaved. That looks better.”

Ethan (37): “If it isn’t shaved, then it must be trimmed. Women having control over their own body hairs appear to be more hygienic for me.”

Robert (66): “I guess It will be better if my partner have a cleaner or a closer shave.”

Dan (39): “I like total baldness. It is just tidy. A strip would do, but beyond that is too much for me.”

Nick (30) “Women are expected by our culture to have very little body hair. Even for pubic hair, it has to be properly cleaned. But I feel that women should actually enjoy themselves with such things, just like they do when styling their hair. This way they can become free and have fun with it, hence enjoying their own life and that of their partner.”

Tony (35) “Neat and clean is better for me. She doesn’t need a complete shave, but if she lets them grow out, it must be longer than the stubble because otherwise it is so discomforting.”

Michael (45) “A female’s mustache or upper lip hair on a first date annoys me. I can’t think of dating someone with facial hair or having armpit hairs. Even the bushy eyebrows are a turn-off for me.

Greg (56) “A woman with facial hair makes me uncomfortable! Laser removal would be ideal for them.”

Statistically, the qualitative and quantitative data clearly show that most of the men consider it a turn-off if women have body hair. This is why women shave or laser off their body hair in order to be attractive to their partners, which has turned into a vicious cycle and societal norm across all cultures. Having two hundred years of this cycle behind us taught us that having hair on a female body is regarded as ugly. Since body hair removal is a growing industry, techniques keep evolving. The latest methods of hair removal now exist. They are safe, pain-free, time saving and long-lasting; Ulike IPL Air 10 is among these revolutions.

Part 3: What Do You Call a Girl Who Doesn’t Shave?What Do You Call a Girl Who Doesn’t Shave

Women that do not shave are not dirty, awful, unfeminine or unnatural. If body hair were so terrible and dirty, women would not have been born with it! Nonetheless, some terms have been slung against women who choose not to shave because of contemporary ideals of beauty and societal conformity with an air of superiority. Words like ‘feminist’, ‘hippie’ or, at times, ‘bohemian’ are frequently directed towards those who challenge the norm by letting their body hair grow visible.

Will Society Accept Me If I Do Not Shave My Body Hair? (Female’s Opinion)

The choice not to remove hair from one’s own body should not need a label; it is a matter of preference. After all, who are we to tell another person how they should live their lives? There are quite a few celebrities who opt against waxing away all those lovely strands from their bodies and let them stay instead, no matter what others say against such choices, although they may have already been subjected to criticism as well. These may include Julia Roberts, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, and Lady Gaga. They are living and cherishing in society with their armpit hair showing publically. And there are a number of men who like natural hair on their partner’s body. And for few, these naturally hairy women are turn-ons. It just matters of personal preferences.

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There is no single answer to the question of whether men like hairy women. There is a great variation of preferences in terms of appearance—while some men find natural female body hair attractive, others prefer women with smooth, hairless skin. These differences usually arise from personal likings, culture, and social conditioning.

For decades, female body hair has been defined as ugly simply because beauty standards were aimed at connecting being more feminine, clean and desirable to hairlessness. The media and advertisements have contributed significantly to this perception by spreading the word that women require smooth skin in order to be “attractive.” However, as society’s perspective changes, more people are bold enough to show their body hair publicly, but their move faces severe backlash because natural hair on the female body is not valued in these societies due to long-standing hairless female beauty culture. Ultimately, true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder; what matters is how confident and comfortable a person is in their own skin.

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