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A Beginner’s Guide to Supplements: What Need to Know Before Buy

By Alex Bakhovsky
May 26, 2023
7 minutes

When it comes to health and wellness, supplements play a key role in helping us achieve our goals and feel our best. Supplements are substances that provide essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients that cannot be obtained through a healthy diet alone.

With the wide variety of products available on the market for consumers, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which supplements may be the best choice for you. For this reason, this article will serve as a beginner’s guide to supplements – exploring what they are, why you should consider taking them, how to choose the right one for your needs, and much more!

Why the Need for Supplements

When considering whether or not to use supplements, it’s important to consider why these products can serve as beneficial additions to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Some of the most common reasons people choose to incorporate supplements into their routines include:

1. Enhancing Performance and Energy Levels

For athletes or other active individuals, taking certain supplements known for boosting physical performance , endurance, energy levels, and/or muscle recovery may be helpful in achieving desired goals. Popular choices among athletes may range from pre-workout energy drinks or specialized post-workout protein powders specifically designed for rapid muscle repair and recovery along with general health maintenance.

2. Treating Illness or Disease

People of all ages often find themselves faced with illnesses that can be treated through the help of nutritional supplementation rather than through medications alone. For instance, oftentimes those with diabetes turn to dietary supplements like chromium picolinate (a trace mineral) in order to maintain healthy glucose levels in their bloodstreams. Similarly, probiotic supplements are considered an effective way to restore a normal balance of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract when suffering from conditions like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).

3. Preventing Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are more common than you may think! Research shows that even if someone is eating a relatively nutritious diet they may still not be getting enough necessary vitamins and minerals due to modern farming methods which deplete soil nutrients faster than it can naturally replenish them over time. Supplementation may therefore become scientifically necessary in this case depending upon individual needs and risk factors within their diets.

4. Enhancing Immunity & Overall Wellbeing

Immune system health can then often be augmented by specific supplement formulas blended together specifically for providing comprehensive immune support such as herbal extracts rich in antioxidants that protect cells from environmental stressors that weaken our immunity. Additionally, some people have found success using certain mood-boosting formulations while others do best on therapeutic doses of fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids known for its anti-inflammatory effects. And finally, there are those who seek out natural alternatives designed purely for well-rounded preventative measures meant to maintain optimal body function throughout one’s lifespan.

Different Types of Supplements

At this time, there is an ever-growing range of supplement options to choose from making the selection process quite overwhelming at times. To make it easier, here are some of the most popular options amongst today’s supplement consumers:

1. Probiotics

Commonly found in yogurt, ice cream, and fermented food items, probiotic supplements deliver beneficial bacteria that promote overall gut health . In layman’s terms, think of them as “good” bacteria for your digestive system as consuming them can help restore balance in the intestinal flora which is needed for efficient nutrient absorption from food sources. In addition to correcting digestive issues such as bloating or constipation, evidence suggests that probiotics may have far-reaching effects on the immune system and even mental health conditions like depression.

2. Multivitamins & Minerals

Probably one of the most common types of dietary supplements taken are those that provide a combination of essential nutrients such as vitamins A through K along with key minerals like calcium or magnesium to name a few. Such multivitamin /mineral products typically come in large pill forms meant to be taken daily so your body never misses out on vital nutrients often lacking in diets today due to modern farming methods and lack thereof consideration for soil conditions during crop harvesting.

3. Amino Acids

As building blocks for proteins necessary for all physiological functions within our bodies such as muscle growth or primate enzyme reactions, amino acids play a key role in both maintaining healthy cells and maximizing cellular energy production. Being rich sources of energy themselves stemming from their nitrogenous form (nitrogen-containing compounds), amino acid supplementation has found increasing use among athletes due to its natural pre-workout properties including production boosts in ATP—the basic source of energy available entering cells—a fact supported by research involving red blood cell formation studies conducted on mice models where participants saw significant increases following periods 14-day dosages!

4. Herbal Extracts

Commonly used plant extracts have been utilized medicinally around the world since ancient times with more modern applications being developed throughout recent history giving an increased understanding of how herbs interact with various biochemical pathways differently than pharmaceutical drugs do! From antioxidant powerhouse turmeric pills sold commonly at health food stores everywhere these days to specialized cannabis oils only available through restricted access channels. Many people now see herbal formulations going hand-in-hand with conventional medicines today leaving us with an array of incredible natural remedies able to support differentiated aspects of wellness regimens individuals seek to push past what diet alone may offer achieving maximum health benefits alongside whatever treatments currently involved with care practitioner(s).

The Science Behind Supplements

Supplements are not approved for treating specific medical conditions and don’t have to go through the same approval process that drugs do prior to being sold over the counter – this means there is a sort of “wild west” feeling occurring in the supplement market right now prompting us all the be more diligent about research before we decide which products invest our health into.

But don’t worry! There does exist significant scientific evidence supporting supplementation depending on the individual product and goal of consumption so here are some core aspects to look for help make the best purchasing decision possible:

1. Bioavailability

Be sure to choose supplements containing forms of vitamins or minerals easily utilized and absorbed body’s most effective one-serving size measurement since simply throwing large doses of something away doesn’t guarantee the effect suggested roughly 50% nutrient bioavailability taken orally recommended to ensure consistent reaching targeted areas function requires (i.e.: iron absorption greater if consumed alongside Vitamin C ).

2. Potency & Quality

Various testing standards are practiced widely throughout industry labeling claims whereas third-party certification entities perform reviews to ensure quality assurance products released shelves meet certain stipulations avoiding potentially harmful adulterants whatsoever costs, particularly important considering dietary supplements often rely on added ingredients ‘fillers’ binding mechanisms varying concentrations, potential liabilities, etc.

3. Ingredients & Timing

You should think about when you take supplements as well as what kind. The time can affect how effective they are. Some nutrients need to be consumed at specific times for full absorbability. For instance, probiotics should be taken one or two hours before eating for best results, when stomach acid is low and more bacteria survive.

Risks and Side Effects

Taking dietary supplements may have potential risks and side effects. It’s important to know what they are before taking any supplements. One of the biggest concerns with dietary supplements is that they are not regulated or tested for safety or effectiveness by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Since it’s impossible for consumers to know what is in every bottle or capsule of a so-called supplement, it’s easy to become a victim of an unscrupulous supplement producer who adds ingredients to products that are not on the label. This could be anything from added drugs, heavy metals, legal stimulants such as ephedra, or unlabeled allergens.

In addition to these hidden dangers, some people experience uncomfortable side effects with certain supplements due to intolerance or interactions with medications. Some common side effects include headaches, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, digestive issues, and heart palpitations. Several herbs may interact with prescription medications. If you’re already taking medication you should check with your doctor before adding a supplement routine.

The best way to avoid these risks and side effects is by choosing quality brands recommended by healthcare professionals which list all of their ingredients on the label. If you’re unsure, always speak first with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement routine.

Choosing the Right Supplement

Obtaining the right supplement for your situation is often challenging given that it is difficult to narrow down offerings into something specifically tailored to your health and wellness goals.

While consulting with a healthcare professional about taking any type of supplement is always recommended, many people have found success in turning to personal stories of others’ successes in order to determine which direction they should be headed.

One such person who experienced positive changes from supplementing their diet appropriately was Sharon – a 58-year-old grandmother living in rural California dealing with osteoporosis-related rib fractures caused by nutrient deficiencies as confirmed through an independent medical examination.

An avid gardener, she had grown up eating all organic foods but still found herself having difficulty getting essential vitamins and minerals from the produce available nearby causing her bones eventually break under the general stress everyday life brought as such requested sourced supplementation needed to bridge the gap between what able obtain locally via healthy diet yet necessary optimal bone structure maintenance.

After building custom format calcium/magnesium/vitamin D blend pills combined with olive oil extract to treat joint discomfort along with omega 3 complex capsules lower inflammation levels overall saw dramatic differences within weeks initiative feeling effect well beyond aesthetics noticing clearer thinking sharper vision full mobility prior injury preventing similar incidences future.

Key Takeaways

When it comes to beginning a supplementation program, it is important to remember that there is no “one size fits all” solution. Every person’s needs vary based on their lifestyle, diet, and goals. Therefore, taking the time to research which supplements may be right for you prior to purchase can help you get the most for your money as well as protect your health from any potential risks associated with improper dosages or misunderstandings about how certain products interact within one’s own body type.

Consulting a healthcare professional before beginning a new supplement routine is always recommended but some people have found success in reading through the personal experiences of others who are currently or have previously gone through similar circumstances. In addition, understanding the science behind supplementation helps ensure safe practices so as not to become overwhelmed by what has been deemed the ‘wild west’ of product marketing in recent years.

Alex Bakhovsky
Greetings, I am Alex Bakhovsky, a fervent health and fitness enthusiast with a profound ardor for enhancing the overall well-being of both ordinary individuals and elite athletes. My ultimate goal is to disseminate this passion and knowledge to a wider audience, including yourself. With over five years of experience as a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, I have acquired a wealth of practical knowledge and skills that enable me to provide comprehensive guidance and support to my clients in achieving their fitness and wellness goals.
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