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How to Get Smooth Skin on the Face? 10 Ways to Achieve Flawless Skin

By Mariela
Updated: June 29, 2024
8 minutes
Smooth Skin

Who does not want flawless silky smooth skin, especially on the face? From the seamless application of makeup to blinding makeup-free beauty, smooth skin is the key. 

To achieve this smooth skin on the face, some women put on makeup but it makes the texture more apparent. On the other hand, some women start a skincare routine but still fail to achieve their dream skin. 

So, do you want to know what you are doing wrong and how can you get that radiant texture-free glow on the face? If yes, let us explore the skincare habits that can give you smooth facial skin along with the reasons why your skin appears bumpy. 

So, without further ado, let us talk about “how to get smooth skin on the face”. 

Part 1: Why is My Face so Bumpy?

Why is My Face so Bumpy?
Why is My Face so Bumpy?

It is important to know that you need to eradicate the root cause if you want to get rid of something. Thus, let us explore the causes behind your face being so bumpy before knowing the tips to make it smooth. 

1. You are not Cleansing Your Face Enough

Cleansing Your FaceEvery day we are exposed to several environmental factors that find their way into our skin. These include dust, bacteria, smoke, and other impurities. When you do not cleanse your face or exfoliate your skin, these impurities clog the pores.

Closed comedones appear as bumps on the skin.

2. You are Aging Naturally or Prematurely 

Our skin is made of collagen, elastin, and other proteins that make it appear firm and thus smooth. As we age, we start losing the essential proteins of our skin as our skin cannot synthesize them after a certain age.

Consequently, skin becomes loose and dull. So, one of the reasons why your face is bumpy is aging, either naturally or prematurely because of your lifestyle. 

3. You Have Dry Skin

One of the benefits of oily skin is that it rarely looks rough and textured. On the other hand, people with dry skin experience flakiness, cracks, and prominent fine lines on their faces.

Therefore, it is likely that your skin does not appear smooth if it is dry. 

4. Your Skin is Acne Prone

Acne-prone skin reacts to minor changes in the skincare routine, cosmetic products you use, or even the weather. Now, the thing about acne-prone skin is that acne goes away but it leaves acne spots and scar marks behind.

These changes to the skin become a hurdle to its smoothness. 

5. Your Skin Needs a Deep Cleansing

Deep CleansingEven if you have been cleansing your skin regularly, there are high chance that you are not cleansing it enough. Some impurities find their way deep into the pores of the skin.

Furthermore, dead skin cells are not removed by regular facial cleansing. Therefore, bumps on your skin might signify that it needs deep cleansing or exfoliation. 

6. Certain Skin Conditions 

There are some skin conditions in which texture is apparent on the skin. Additionally, skin becomes red, dry, and flaky in them. These include,

  • Eczema 
  • Psoriasis 
  • Actinic keratosis
  • Rosacea 
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris

7. You Have Skin Allergy

People suffering from urticaria often have bumps on the skin. These bumps appear as an allergic reaction due to the use of certain ingredients in your food, drinks, or topical application. 

8. You Have Facial Hair

Unwanted facial hair forms a layer on the skin. This layer makes the skin look rough. That is not all. Application of the makeup on skin with facial hairs adds to the texture of the face making it look rougher. 

Part 2: 10 Tips to Get Smooth Skin on Face

Get Smooth Skin on Face First of all, let us accept that facial texture is normal and humans have it. While you might not be able to get it off it completely, here are the 10 tips on “how to get flawless skin”. 

1. Upgrade Your Facial Cleansing Routine

Do you wonder why I have skin texture even when I wash my face every day? Well, here the actual question is, are you washing your face right? You might wash your face every morning or night but inadequately. Therefore, the first habit you can adopt to achieve radiant skin is washing your face appropriately twice every single day. 

Cleaning the face removes the excess oils, dust, microbes, and other impurities that accumulate on the superficial layers of the skin. For this, you should, 

  • Cleanse your face as soon as you get home and wash it early in the morning as well. 
  • Use a facial cleanser designed for your skin. For example, a gel-based cleanser for dry skin and a foam-based cleanser for oily skin. 
  • Go for double cleansing with an oil and a water-based cleanser to remove residues or makeup and sunscreen. 
  • While washing your face, lukewarm to cool water is recommended as hot water can burn the proteins in your skin. 

2. Exfoliate the Skin Regularly 

Exfoliate the Skin Regularly Cleansing the face helps you clean the impurities that accumulate on the skin in routine. However, usual cleansing is not enough to remove the dead skin cells and impurities that are embedded deep in the skin. 

To remove dead skin cells and other impurities, you need to exfoliate your facial skin regularly. Also, remember that exfoliation is done to eliminate dead skin cells not from the skin and not the healthy ones. 

So, be gentle with exfoliation. For this, you can use a mild physical facial scrub or a gentle chemical exfoliating agent. Exfoliating the face 2 to 3 times a week is more than enough as over-exfoliation can damage your skin barrier, make skin sensitive, irritate it, and cause dryness. 

3. Never Skip a Moisturizer

While we use a moisturizer in the winter as the skin becomes dry, we tend to skip it in the summer. That is where we take the essential nutrients away from the skin resulting in bumpiness. 

So, if you want a glass skin, never skip a moisturizer. Always use it in your morning and night routine. Whether your skin type is sensitive, dry, or oil, a face lotion is essential to it healthy and supple. 

You can simply choose a lightweight moisturizer in the summer, a thick one in the winter, a gel-based for oily skin, and cream cream-based for dry skin. In this way, you maintain the hydration of your skin without overwhelming it. 

Moisturizers with hyaluronic acid and glycerine lock in the moisture. So, look for these ingredients in addition to ceramides, vitamin C, and niacinamide in your face lotions. 

Furthermore, face moisturizers might not provide enough hydration to the delicate skin under the eye. So, use an eye cream that offers the benefits you want separately. 

4. Sun Protection is the Key to Smooth Skin 

Sun Protection is the Key to Smooth Skin As long as the sun exists in Earth’s orbit, you have to use sunscreen every single day of your life. UV light in the form of UVA and UVB slowly damages the skin. Therefore, you have to protect your skin from the sun for it to be flawless.

For this, 

  • Use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more early in the morning 
  • Reapply the sunscreen after 2 to 4 hours depending upon your exposure to sunlight 
  • Do not skip it on cloudy days or days when you stay indoors
  • Double up your sun protection with UV-protective umbrellas, hats, and clothes
  • Use a UV patch to know when your sunscreen requires re-application 

5. Shave the Skin Accurately 

As unwanted hair on the face adds to the texture of it, you can shave the face in a way that there is no hair left behind to make it look bumpy. For men, a proper shaving routine with shaving creams is important. For the women, a gentle yet sharp razor can do the job.

So, here are some tips to shave your face in the right way.

  • Wash your face with warm to lukewarm water as it softens the hair
  • Apply a moisturizer or facial oil as it creates a lubricating surface on the skin for gliding the razor
  • Use a fresh, clean, and sharp razor in small strokes in the direction of hair growth to get rid of unwanted hair 
  • Maintain your shaving routine for no-hair smooth skin 

6. Get Rid of Those Pesky Facial Hair

While shaving can give you temporary relief from unwanted hair and thus bumpy skin, it is not a good solution to unwanted facial hair. This is because hair grows back faster after shaving and it also results in ingrown hair bumps.

So, choose hair removal methods that eradicate the hair from the roots or even kill the hair follicles for smoother-looking skin that lasts for a few weeks or a few months. Some of these methods include, 

  • Threading, especially the eyebrows
  • Tweezing, especially the chin hair 
  • Waxing, especially the upper lips and sideburns 
  • IPL hair removal, on any part of the face 

7. Drink More Water

Drink More WaterOur body is 70% water and no organ of our body can survive without it. Skin, being the largest organ depends on water for its optimal health. While you are moisturizing it from the outside, do not forget that it needs hydration from the inside as well.

Water makes the skin elastic and supple. Moreover, it helps in reducing pigmentation and providing a smooth and bright complexion. So, start taking more and more fluids for fresh, healthy, and texture-less skin. Your fluid of choice is water as it is enough for hydration. 

Additionally, you can take fresh fruit juices, detox water, and even ORS to maintain hydration in summer. The ideal amount of water intake is 2 to 3 liters every day.

8. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle 

No matter how good your skincare routine is or how much water you drink, it is going to do nothing if you have an unhealthy lifestyle. So, you have to make some healthy changes in your lifestyle if you want a smooth face.

These changes include,

  • Adequate sleep of 6 to 9 hours that allows your skin to rest. During sleep, the skin heals, new skin cells are regenerated and the skin is rejuvenated. So, sleep on time. 
  • Stop drinking excess amounts of alcohol and caffeine. Also, give up on smoking. These things cause skin dehydration, make it more prone to the damage caused by the sun, and result in premature aging. 
  • Do not eat easy meals or fast food too often. Rather, incorporate vegetables, fruits, and proteins in your diet to supply the skin with the nutrients it requires. 

9. Do not Keep Touching Your Face

We all habitually touch our faces when we have nothing else to do, right? However, we touch it with unclean hands and it results in the transfer of microbes like bacteria, dirt, and impurities from the surface we touch to our face.

The skin reacts to these impurities in the form of bumpiness. So, stop touching your face unless needed. Een when you need to touch it, wash your hands. Also, apply skincare products or makeup with clean hands. 

You have to consciously remind yourself not to touch the face all day. 

10. Go for Professional Treatment, if Needed 

If your skin looks like it is beyond repair with the skincare habits we mentioned here or if you want instant results, you can opt for some professional treatments and a proper skincare routine. 

These treatments can be beneficial to deal with fine lines, large skin pores, scars, acne spots, and signs of premature aging. Such professional treatments include,

  • Chemical peels to exfoliate the skin and get rid of wrinkles, pigmentation, and scars 
  • Microdermabrasion as it treats acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone 
  • Laser resurfacing as it helps in repairing the skin damaged by sun and other environmental factors 


The dream skin of the woman, glass-like smooth skin requires patience, individualized use of products, and enthusiastic care. There can be several causes of having bumps on your skin. 

Treating such cases along with some lifestyle changes can help you achieve the smooth skin you are looking for. Additionally, some professional treatments also help smoothen your skin’s texture in less time. So, consult a dermatologist, when required.

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