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Can You Use Body Lotion on Face?

By Viktoria
Updated: June 16, 2024
6 minutes
Body Lotion on Face

Day or night skincare routine; summer or winter; dry skin, oily, or combination; and young or old age; moisturization daily is the key to healthy skin. Although moisturization is mandatory to maintain skin tone and texture, using the right type of lotion is equally important. 

People sometimes use body lotions on their faces. However, body lotion does not suit facial skin in many cases. So, did you run out of your face moisturizer and are wondering, “Can you use body lotion on the face?” 

Well, let us help you explore the differences between facial and body lotion and whether you can use body lotion on your face.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What is the Difference Between Body Lotion and Facial Moisturize?

Facial Moisturize From texture and formulation to benefits, face moisturizers are different from body lotions. Let us discuss the detailed differences between them here. 

1. Ingredients and Formulation

Some ingredients of the face and body lotions are almost the same. For example, both can have aqua, glycerine, ceramides, lanolin, vitamins, plant extracts, and essential oils. However, face moisturizers do more than just moisturize the skin.

Therefore, face lotions also contain the active ingredients urea, niacinamide, and retinol. Although similar, the concentration of ingredients in body lotions is higher than that of face lotions.

Facial lotions contain little to no fragrance. In contrast, body lotions contain perfume. Furthermore, the formulation of the body lotions is mainly based on oils and butters but face lotions can have water-based or gel-based formula. 

2. Texture and Consistency 

Texture and Consistency It is important to understand the difference between the skin of the face and the body to know why face lotions are formulated differently. Well, the skin of our body is thick with less number of oil glands while the skin of the face is thin with a greater number of oil glands and pores.

Products with thicker consistency can block facial pores, make them accumulate excess oil, and give rise to acne. On the other hand, the skin of the body produces less oil and is prone to dryness.

This is why the consistency of face lotions is more lightweight and thinner than that of body lotions. You can find some face moisturizers here.  

3. pH

Our facial skin has a pH of around 5 and the pH of the body skin is approximately 7. We need to use products of compatible pH for the respective areas. Most face lotions are formulated with acidic ingredients to have their pH match that of the face.

However, the pH of body lotions is in the alkaline range which is above 7. Using a body lotion with a pH of around 7 on the face can make the skin dry and sensitive. 

4. Target Areas of Application

With a thick consistency and oil-based formula, body lotions target the thick skin of the body. Moreover, our body is hidden by clothes and protected from the sun. Thus, body lotions are used on the surfaces below the neck including legs, arms, feet, elbows, knees, and hands.

On the other hand, our face is exposed to the sun and might have excessive production of oils. Therefore, facial moisturizers are formulated for your head, face, and neck. 

5. Specific Benefits 

Specific Benefits The major difference between body lotions and face moisturizers is their benefits. For example, body lotions are mainly used for these reasons, 

  • To target the dryness on the skin, especially elbows and knees
  • To make skin smooth and plump
  • To reduce signs of aging in the body
  • To exfoliate the body and remove dead skin cells from it

Also, you can find the best body lotions for the crepey skin of legs and arms here. On the other hand, face lotions have the following benefits,

  • Many facial lotions come with SPF to protect your face from UV light
  • The low-concentration retinol in face lotions prevents aging
  • Vitamin C, alpha arbutin, and glutathione in face lotions brighten up the skin
  • These moisturizers target signs of aging on the face along with dark spots and acne marks
  • They soothe the redness and inflammation of the facial skin 

As the needs of your body and face in addition to the type of skin are different, body and face lotions are formulated uniquely to match those needs. 

Part 2: Can You Use Body Lotion on Face?

Till now, it seems like body lotion cannot be used on the face, right? However, it might be used in a few cases. So, here is the answer to if you can use body lotion on your face.

1. Thick texture

If the body lotion has a thick texture, it is unlikely to be suitable for the face. In reality, most lotions manufactured for the body have a thick consistency and a creamy texture. Therefore, you cannot use it on the face.

However, if you are using a lightweight body lotion, that absorbs quickly, or has a thin consistency, you can use it once in a while. One example of such moisturizer is Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion. 

Also, remember that body lotions cannot replace face lotions even when you can use them occasionally. 

2. Different Formulations

Body LotionBody lotions are rich in oils, kinds of butter, and some exfoliating ingredients. With a high quantity of these ingredients in body lotions, they work optimally for the skin of your limbs.

Your face requires a blend of certain ingredients to target concerns related to the facial skin. Also, it must not have any fragrance in it. Therefore, you might use a fragrance-free water-based body lotion on the face.

However, it is not recommended in most cases. 

3. Facial Skin Sensitivity

Facial Skin SensitivityFacial skin reacts quickly to a little change in the consistency, texture, or formulation of the products you are applying to it. The delicacy and sensitivity of facial skin make body lotions incompatible with the face. 

Furthermore, your face is always visible and it can be difficult to hide any redness, rashes, or irritation that might be caused by using body lotion on the face. So, it is better to avoid body lotions if you have sensitive skin. 

4. Pore Clogging 

The pores on your body parts are large, have thicker hair, and are rarely clogged due to thick products. On the other hand, the pores of your face are small and prone to clogging. 

So, the worst thing that body lotions can do to your face is clogging your pores and causing acne. 

5. Possible Side Effects

The use of cheap, thick, and heavily fragrant body lotions on your face can cause the following side effects,

  • Increased skin sensitivity, redness, itching, and inflammation
  • Peeling off of the skin because of excessive exfoliation
  • Skin dryness or greasiness because of incompatible ingredients 
  • Acne, bumps, and development of a rough texture of the skin 
  • Failure in managing aging, hyperpigmentation, and dark spots on the face

6. Absolute Contraindications to Using Body Lotions on the Face

In addition to the difference in the skin, here are some cases where you should never use a body lotion on the face.

  • Skin with active acne or prone to acne
  • Skin with psoriasis, eczema, or other skin conditions 
  • Highly-sensitive skin

Furthermore, always do a patch test when you are tempted to use body lotion on the face to know how your skin will react to it. 


A moisturizer might be a moisturizer, but your face and body have different types of skin which makes use of body lotions on the face unsuitable. A few multi-purpose moisturizers from Cerave or Aveeno might meet the requirements of both the face and body.

However, in most cases, you should keep your body products away from the delicate and sensitive skin of your face. It is important to use products formulated for your face to satisfy the specific needs of your facial skin.

Lastly, you can simply consult a doctor if you are confused about which product you should use. 

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